Find peace.Find happiness.Find yourself

Tag: mindfulness (Page 7 of 9)

Rules I Live By Each Day (and you should too)…

1. Know how to laugh at yourself 2. Be kind, always, to yourself and others 3. Always start the day with coffee 4. Don’t worry about what people think of you or what society says is “normal”, do what’s right for you 5. Have confidence, even if you have to fake it, there is nothing sexier than confidence 6. Always check your blindspot 7. Be open to learning something new 8. Be willing to put your ego aside, admit when you’re wrong and say sorry 9. Be more patient (it truly is a virtue) 10. Be a good  listener and communicate clearly  11. Don’t assume anything 12. Never leave the house without chapstick 13. Tell people how you feel and be honest with yourself 14. Sing in the shower 15. Give yourself  a compliment every day 16. Take a risk or do something that puts yourself out there (it’s good to feel uncomfortable) 17. Drive to/from work in silence 18. Eat something that makes you happy 19. Work hard play harder 20. Spend time on your hobbies 21. Release all expectations 22. Let go of control and embrace change 23. Be yourself, everyone else is taken…

-keep shining

Rules I Live By Each Day (and you should too)…

1. Know how to laugh at yourself 2. Be kind, always, to yourself and others 3. Always start the day with coffee 4. Don’t worry about what people think of you or what society says is “normal”, do what’s right for you 5. Have confidence, even if you have to fake it, there is nothing sexier than confidence 6. Always check your blindspot 7. Be open to learning something new 8. Be willing to put […]

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Happy Things Thursday



  • A successful first date
  • New slippers
  • Toddlers trying to walk in boot and snowsuits
  • The smell of Barnes and Noble
  • Drinking your favorite fountain pop
  • A baby falling asleep in your arms
  • Lighting a new candle for the first time
  • Wedding receptions
  • Someone letting you budge in line
  • Getting reimbursed for college books at the end of the semesterClick here to ‘like’ and follow my Facebook page
    -keep shining

Leave The Driver’s Seat


All of us want some element of control in our lives. We try to plan out that five-year check list. We try to prepare for each day, every interaction, etc. However, all of us could use a lesson in letting go….We need to let go. We need to trust that things will work out the way they’re meant to, and that by letting go life will bring us to where we are needed most. It doesn’t matter how much we try to plan and control, there is always a chance it won’t work out. Life often has different plans for us than we have for ourselves, and that’s just the way it goes!

~Not being in control isn’t the same as being out of control.

I’ve had a few people in my life tell me that I need to work on letting go of control. I struggled with that for some time, because how do you just let go? How can you just assume things will work out, and not feel the need to have control over the outcome? Then recently I heard the above quote not being in control isn’t the same as being out of control, and it all began to make more sense to me.
Letting go of control means being open to many outcomes. This kind of mindset is healthy and it helps us to stay present; it helps us to worry less because we aren’t so focused on ensuring things work out just the way we planned them to. Being out of control is so much different than that. Being out of control means not having conscious control over our behaviors; to be unruly or wild. These two concepts are polar opposites from one another, yet we combine them to mean the same thing. We combine the concept of letting go of the need to control with the concept of being out of control. We combine a healthy outlook on life to being unruly and ‘out of hand’.
Letting go is to accept the unknown. It means being less stressed and open to new and unexpected possibilities. And how exciting does that sound, if we are open to it?! There is no event or interaction in your life that you can have complete control over. Of course, sometimes this can be stressful and frustrating, but at the end of the day what option do we have? We need to loosen up our expectations as to how we look at the world and our ‘plans’. If we don’t loosen up, we give energy to things that are not in our control, and what a waste of time that is.
Sometimes letting go means that our life feels stagnant, but why do we always need things to be progressing or moving? Progress can be a stand-still. Being stagnant can be growth if we view it through a positive lens, and it can be an important piece of life we don’t want to miss out on. When we are constantly planning out the next thing and ‘controlling’ situations, we miss out on the ease and beauty within those stand-still moments. It’s these times where we have an opportunity to exhale and ‘just be’ for a while. Keep present, as everything happens there; only this moment truly counts. And quit panicking, progress can be stagnant but that doesn’t mean we aren’t moving forward.
There is no magic answer as to how to let go and make this an effortless habit. It is difficult for me every single day. But, remembering these little tidbits of positive reframing around our thoughts regarding control is a great first step. Acceptance is also key here. Accept the uncertainty of each day and the challenges it will bring. The challenges we face each day are what makes us resilient and what makes us better, more patient and appreciative people. Reminding myself of these things has reduced my stress and helped me to be more grateful in each present moment. Taking a step back, breathing,  and enjoying life’s curve balls has made me a better friend, sister, daughter, coworker; the list goes on and on!
And just in case you forgot….Not being in control isn’t the same as being out of control.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
-keep shining


Happy Things Thursday


1. Random smiles from strangers.

2. Adopting a pet.

3. Coming home to a package on your doorstep you forgot you ordered.

4. The smell of Subway.

5. Finding gift cards you forgot you had stashed away.

6. Dog kisses.

7. Refurbishing old furniture.

8. The tummy tickling feeling in your gut when driving down a steep hill.

9. Good hair days.

10. Getting your rental deposit money back after moving out of a rental property.

* ‘Like’ and share my Facebook Page for regular updates, click here.

-keep shining

Spring Cleaning For Your Brain


Spring cleaning season has come and gone quickly this year, hasn’t it?  And decluttering our homes each spring feels good. But along with throwing away old clothes and cleaning out our kitchen cupboards, there are other ways in which we can declutter each spring, starting with your brain….

  • Stop thinking too much…  We let our minds get the best of us sometimes. If we want to declutter our brains and simplify our lives, we have to work on living in the now and what feels right. Quit hesitating, quit overanalyzing. We always want to predict the outcome and think through various scenarios, and we need to stop. ..Think less do more. A little impulsivity and spontaneity is what life is all about. Try to start leaving your comfort zone this summer! 
  • Surround yourself with people or that special someone who makes you a better person… Now that you’re done spring cleaning your home, clean out your friend circle this summer, and assess your current relationships. Do the people in your world bring out the best in you? Do they help you see a new perspective? Do they challenge you in positive ways? Whether friends or a significant other, ask yourself these questions. Some relationships are not meant to last forever, and that is okay. Focus on those who focus on you.
  • Quit feeling the need to defend or explain yourself to people… Life will continue to be exhausting if we live for others. Life will not feel worthwhile if we do not focus on our own wants and needs. How often are we scared of our choices or outcomes based on the concern of how we are going to look to others? How often do we stress over how we are going to defend our actions to others? But WHY do we torture ourselves this way? We do not owe anyone an explanation for our lives or our choices.
  • Forgive yourself for yesterday’s mistakes. We are a different person today than we were yesterday; we change a little bit each and every day. We have grown and learned since yesterday and are in a different mindset today. We cannot go through life focusing on what we could have done differently or beating ourselves up about things in the past. We cannot change yesterday’s mistakes or decisions. Today is a fresh start and a new perspective. Each mistake is a lesson learned, and some mistakes bring us down an even better path than we could have predicted for ourselves. 
  • Don’t ever forget that the best things in life are free. Memories, hugs, kisses, love, family, friends, smile, laughter, sleep…All FREE! Do not forget about all the non-materialistic things in life that make life worth living. Declutter your world and focus on the things that don’t take up any extra space. 

Embrace the glorious mess that you are ~
-keep shining

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