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When you love yourself…

You smile more often Your taste in people will change You say no You do not listen to outside opinions Your confidence is your best friend Your success matters more than how much you weigh You are less stressed You focus on your purpose You understand your passions You see the world through a positive lens You are less judgmental You gain self awareness You leave toxic relationships behind You are grateful for the little […]

Treat Yo’ Self

When is the last time you celebrated yourself?Told yourself that you’re proud?Gave yourself a compliment? Told someone about a recent success of yours? We are pretty incredible, yet we always find ways to downplay our accomplishments, or find our flaws rather than focus on all we bring to this world.Why are we embarrassed to celebrate ourselves? We practically despise recognizing our successes, or God forbid, talk about any of our skills or positive attributes. It […]

A Letter To Yourself

Dear Self,I am sorry. I am sorry for being so hard on you. I am sorry for not accepting you just the way you are. For not loving you the way you deserve to be loved. For not taking care of your needs, and putting others first. I am sorry for letting opinions outside of your own dictate your life and your future. I am sorry for suggesting you be sad all by yourself rather […]

The Gift Of Giving…To Yourself.

I’ll be honest, the this time of year is really difficult for me. Along with all the parts I look forward to around the holidays such as gift-giving, parties, paid time off, traditions with family, and Christmas treats also comes a caseload of clients that doubles in size overnight. Every year I tell myself I will be stronger, I tell myself that it will get better, and remind myself that I can’t save the world; I can’t bring the world […]

Being Selfish Is Not Selfish

I know that you have heard me say it before, but I want you to know some really good news!!! Are you ready for it? Here it goes….  It is okay to be selfish sometimes. Isn’t that relieving?! Knowing that you can focus on yourself and your own needs, and not have to feel guilty about it? For the sake of this blog I like to refer to selfishness as ‘self-interest’ because it has a much […]

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