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Tag: happy (Page 4 of 5)

Happy Things Thursday


  1. Unexpected work promotions
  2. Having a few warmer-than-usual days during the winter
  3. Receiving a nice chunk of money during tax return season
  4. Warm vacations during the winter months
  5. Receiving art work from a little kid
  6. Free coffee
  7. When someone cooks dinner for you
  8. Heat blankets
  9. Getting compliments on your cologne/perfume
  10. Completing house chores

Happy Things Thursday


  1. A full moon
  2. Fresh iced tea
  3. Fast food companies that deliver
  4. Good service at a restaurant
  5. A new recipe that turns out successfully
  6. Coffee dates
  7. Movie theatre seats
  8. Movie theatre popcorn
  9. Meeting a fitness/health goal
  10. Forgetting you ordered something for yourself online and discovering it waiting for you at your doorstep

Happy Things Thursday


  1. Finishing a tube of chapstick
  2. Finding money in the laundry machine
  3. Writing with your favorite pen
  4. Impulsive vacation planning
  5. Finishing a good book
  6. Hitting all the green street lights
  7. Finding old gift cards you’d forgotten you had
  8. Snow days
  9. Friendly neighbors
  10. Reading all of the ‘happy birthday’ posts on your Facebook wall

Happy Things Thursday


1. Finding good bargains
2. Finishing a good book
3. Getting through an entire tube of chapstick without losing it or melting it into your clothes while in the laundry machine.
4. Organizing a new purse or wallet
5. Buy one get one free, of anything
6. Cozying up in a fuzzy robe with a good book
7. Being told ‘I love you’ by a cute little kiddo
8. Easter=time to spend with family
9. The smell of freshly mowed grass
10. Getting a free cell phone upgrade

Happy Things Thursday


  1. Cozy days next to the fire place, with hot chocolate, and a good book.
  2. Getting good service at a restaurant
  3. Roasting marshmallows
  4. A first kiss
  5. Finding the perfect lipstick
  6. Smiling so much your cheeks hurt
  7. Oversized sweaters
  8. Someone scratching your back
  9. Sunshine
  10. Building a snowman
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