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Tag: little things

Happy Things Thursday


1. Finding good bargains
2. Finishing a good book
3. Getting through an entire tube of chapstick without losing it or melting it into your clothes while in the laundry machine.
4. Organizing a new purse or wallet
5. Buy one get one free, of anything
6. Cozying up in a fuzzy robe with a good book
7. Being told ‘I love you’ by a cute little kiddo
8. Easter=time to spend with family
9. The smell of freshly mowed grass
10. Getting a free cell phone upgrade

Happy Things Thursday


  1. The first time using new mascara
  2. New and unexpected opportunities
  3. Snow days
  4. Freshly vacuumed carpet
  5. Getting stuck in busy traffic and someone stops to wave you in.
  6. Bonfires
  7. Evening walks
  8. Icecream sundaes
  9. Feeling proud of yourself for reaching a goal/accomplishment
  10. Watching your flowers/garden grow