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Tag: simplicity (Page 2 of 2)

Happy Things Thursday


  1. The changing of the seasons
  2. Social outings with friends on week nights
  3. Letting balloons drift off into the sky
  4. The smell of a newborn baby
  5. Free cookies
  6. 90’s music
  7. Encouraging coworkers
  8. Standing ovations
  9. The smell of fall
  10. Contagious laughter

Happy Things Thursday


  1. New ink (tattoo)
  2. Potlucks
  3. Paying off debt
  4. The ‘clean mouth feel’ after a trip to the dentist
  5. Finding the last piece of gum in the bottom of your bag
  6. Extra special store coupons during your birthday month
  7. Getting a buck tag during hunting season
  8. Getting a tough stain out your favorite shirt (whew!)
  9. Meeting goals you once felt were impossible to reach
  10. When insurance surprisingly covers your entire medical visit

Happy Things Thursday


  1. Cleaning out the inside of your car
  2. Chinese food delivered to your door
  3. Puppy kisses
  4. Babies grasping your finger with their entire hand
  5. Reaching out to an old friend to find out that nothing has changed between you two
  6. New sunglasses
  7. Compliments from colleagues
  8. Not having to wash your car because it rained
  9. Getting a surprisingly good tax return
  10. That first cup of coffee after sleeping in on a Saturday

Happy Things Thursday


  1. The first time using new mascara
  2. New and unexpected opportunities
  3. Snow days
  4. Freshly vacuumed carpet
  5. Getting stuck in busy traffic and someone stops to wave you in.
  6. Bonfires
  7. Evening walks
  8. Icecream sundaes
  9. Feeling proud of yourself for reaching a goal/accomplishment
  10. Watching your flowers/garden grow
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