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Tag: thursday (Page 3 of 6)

Happy Things Thursday


  1. Finishing a tube of chapstick
  2. Finding money in the laundry machine
  3. Writing with your favorite pen
  4. Impulsive vacation planning
  5. Finishing a good book
  6. Hitting all the green street lights
  7. Finding old gift cards you’d forgotten you had
  8. Snow days
  9. Friendly neighbors
  10. Reading all of the ‘happy birthday’ posts on your Facebook wall

Happy Things Thursday


  1. Having autostart for your vehicle
  2. Grilled cheese and tomato soup
  3. Candlelit showers
  4. Unexpected inspiration
  5. Fresh donuts
  6. Work Christmas parties
  7. A good slice of pizza
  8. Netflix binge sessions
  9. Heated seats
  10. Being told by your supervisor to leave work early


Happy Things Thursday


  1. Long phone calls with an old friend
  2. When holiday music starts playing in stores and restaurants
  3. Being thankful for all we are fortunate to have
  4. The smell of Thanksgiving meal
  5. Bringing out holiday decor
  6. The first peaceful snowfall
  7. The smell and crackle of a fire place
  8. The kind of good night’s sleep when you feel like you went into a coma
  9. Road trips
  10. Buying Christmas gifts for friends and family

Happy Things Thursday


  1. Flipping your pillow over to the cool side
  2. Compliments from your supervisor
  3. New shoes
  4. Having a full weekend of nothing planned
  5. Buying your first home
  6. Getting a new haircut and/or color
  7. Your first tan line of the summer
  8. A glass of wine and chocolate combination
  9. Care packages from friends/family
  10. Having a not-so-bad Monday 🙂

Happy Things Thursday









1. Short work weeks
2. Getting a new pet
3. A full tank of gas
4. When your friend gives you a piece of gum because you’ve run out
5. Cleaning/organizing your desk area at work
6. Having supportive coworkers to vent to
7. Watching kids open presents
8. Fresh chocolate chip cookies
9. Getting your braces removed
10. Grocery store coupons

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