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Tag: warm fuzzy

Happy Things Thursday


1. Holidays off from work
2. Having your favorite leftovers for lunch the next day
3. Receiving a compliment from a stranger
4. Wearing shorts for the first time after a long winter
5. The anticipation of wearing a new outfit
6. Midday naps
7. Lunch breaks with friends
8. Unexpected raise or bonus at work
9. Someone buying you a treat, coffee, etc. unexpectedly
10. Watching someone’s face light up when you surprise them with something, just because…

Happy Things Thursday


  1. Receiving great customer service
  2. Unexpectedly having your driveway snow-blown by a neighbor
  3. Being in the mood to clean/organize your house
  4. Mid-afternoon stop to your favorite coffee shop
  5. Being open to and ready for change
  6. Laughing until your cheeks hurt
  7. Dipping your feet in the ocean and squeezing the sand in-between your toes
  8. Watching the colors of the trees changing during the fall
  9. Spending time with co-workers outside of the office
  10. Clean sheets on the bed