
It is okay to feel the way you feel. Sounds easy, right?! How often do we try to mask our feelings and emotions, or sweep them under the rug? And then how often does it come back to haunt us? For example, when you’re in an argument with someone and then “word vomit” takes over- you say everything that’s bothered you over the last 6 months, including the time your significant other left the refrigerator door open. Yikes! Rough, huh? Or when you hold in your feelings for so long that the smallest things set you off, like starting to cry because you dropped your full milk jug all over the kitchen floor (not that I’ve ever done this before…).
Why does this happen?! It’s because we bottle up everything and think we forget about it, but we don’t. The good news? ITS OKAY! You are entitled to your feelings and emotions. Don’t hide them, embrace them! Why are you feeling this way? Ask yourself that question, and know that it’s okay. There is a reason you are feeling this way so figure out why. It’s incredible and refreshing how much you’ll learn about yourself. The moment I began utilizing this tip I was so relieved. Not only will you learn about yourself, but you will be more open and accepting of other people’s emotions; you learn to become more insightful. You also learn to tell others that it is okay to feel the way they feel, and trust me, they will appreciate it. It will make others feel more comfortable opening up to you, and it helps them to feel “normal” and safe expressing themselves.
Overall, wouldn’t it be great to learn more about yourself? I have found that there is a certain pattern to my emotions, and certain things that bother me more than they should. Now that I am aware of that, I am able to talk about those emotions, and recognize when they are creeping up on me. I have learned to be honest with myself. Emotions and feelings are our body’s way of telling us something. Appreciate when your body signals that something isn’t feeling right and needs to be addressed. Be honest to and respectful of yourself. Listen to your body. Listen to your mind. After all, they’re the only ones you’ve got!

-keep shining