Find peace.Find happiness.Find yourself

Tag: confidence (Page 2 of 2)

if being alone…

if being alone
can teach you anything
let it teach you 

how to be resilient
when you need it most 

how to move on
when there’s nothing left to wait for 

how to rely on yourself
because no one else is there 

how to accept that what’s meant for you 
won’t reach you while you’re waiting for something else 

how to be confident
standing out in a crowd 

how to accept yourself
without approval from those around you

how to let go
and wait to see what magic unfolds

but above all
let the loneliness teach you how to value yourself 

before handing yourself over 
to everyone else 

-keep shining

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And isn’t it wonderful…

Wouldn’t it feel better
If you just let go
Without worrying about pleasing everyone 
Or feel disappointed when you aren’t perfect 

Wouldn’t it feel better 
To smile when you’re proud 
And celebrate your successes 
Rather than remind yourself of your flaws 

Wouldn’t it feel better
To say what you think 
Be who you are 
And love everything you bring to this world 

And isn’t it wonderful 
That you can

-keep shining

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Honoring Your Uniqueness

If there is one thing we are all guilty of, it’s living our lives for other people. We forget to step into our power and own who we are. We forget to focus on our own aspirations and instead worry about pleasing those around us. And when we do this, we lose the ability to understand who we are. We lose track of our own feelings, and we set aside our wants and needs without even realizing it.
I immediately notice when I give up power over my own life. I know this because when I am asked a question, my response is to immediately think about others; their feelings, their reactions, their perspectives, and I completely forget to focus on what’s most important…Myself.
People don’t ask us questions or want our expertise, help, opinions, support, etc.. so we can provide them perspectives of others. They are asking for us. However, we get so easily pulled into this habit that we forget about honoring our own unique selves. 

This is one of the biggest mistakes we make in our short and well-intentioned lives. It is so easy for us to be pulled into someone else’s reality; it takes focus and assertiveness to keep our own dreams in the forefront of our minds. But if we don’t focus on and work towards our own dreams, someone else will get us to work for theirs. And this happens to us

Decide what you want. Once you become precise in your wants and conscious of your own dreams, goals, aspirations, you become better at deciphering decisions and what path will lead you to where it is you want to be most. Once you decide what you want, it will be easier for you to determine the decisions that will pull you into your own power versus the decisions that lead you into living your life for other people.

A question I ask myself to help stay on top of my own power is, “what is my ideal situation?” or, “what is my ideal outcome?”. I take everything else out of the equation; risks, fear, opinions, other people’s reactions or feelings, potential set backs, etc…And I force myself to answer the question.
What is your ideal situation? What is your ideal outcome? Once you can firm up your answer and find your power, the more you can understand the path you need to take to reach your goals. When we believe in our own power and believe in our uniqueness, our confidence skyrockets. And trust me when I say you will waste so much less time. The greatest gift is a feeling of knowing, and a feeling of complete confidence over where we are at in our lives. 

You are powerful. Step into your own power and step out of the shadows you place yourself in. You have something to offer this world that is unique; no one else can provide to this world what you can. And how awesome is that?

In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different~

-keep shining

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